DTTAM´24 - Digital Tranformation in Tourism Activities Management
The World Tourism Organization characterizes the tourist destination as the fundamental unit where the complex tourist activity takes place.
In the information society, technologies play an important role in bringing tourists to tourist destinations. The way of planning and travelling has evolved immensely. Tourists now have at their disposal a wide range of options on various platforms that facilitate access to the destination.
EXPERIENTIAL´24 - Experiential Tourism
This workshop includes several trends in experiential tourism research. Experiential Tourism engages visitors in authentic, memorable travel activities, revealed over time, that engage the senses, are inherently personal and make connections on a physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, or social level (Arsenault, 2004). It intends to identify and discuss several dimensions of experiential quality and investigate the relationships among experiential quality, experiential value (emotional and functional), trust, corporate reputation, experiential satisfaction, and behavioural intentions perceived, regarding diverse tourism experiences (Wu, Cheng, Ai, 2018).
Chairs: Bruno Sousa, CiTUR & ESHT-IPCA; Dália Liberato, CiTUR & ESHT- Polytechnic of Porto; Elga Costa, CiTUR & ESHT- Polytechnic of Porto; Fernanda A. Ferreira, UNIAG & CiTUR & ESHT- Polytechnic of Porto; Pedro Liberato, CiTUR & ESHT- Polytechnic of Porto
In the last few years, Erasmus Action launched a new format of projects - the small scale partnership, where the applicant and the remaining partners have more freedom to choose the idea and create the workplan, as long as the main requisites are observed. The aim of the Action is to attract newcomers or less experienced partners and encourage them to get involved in European projects. However, even with these facilities, there are mistakes that prevent the proposal from reaching a good mark and thus, being funded. The objective of this workshop is to present the main mistakes made by the partnership and let the participants become aware of them, as well as of the solutions or corrections that they need to introduce in order to increase the opportunity of their proposals becoming funded.
Workshop Chair: Anabela Mesquita (sarmento@iscap.ipp.pt)
Structure of the workshop:
1h30m. Practical work / hands-on.
Limit - maximum 20 persons.
Participants need to register in advance using the link:https://forms.gle/ja75dKba31pS52Ye9
SMSMTou´24 - Sustainable Marketing and Strategy Management for Tourism
Considering the (post-)pandemic context and considering the worldwide UNWTO 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, tourism is an increasingly competitive sector. Tourism is a sector strongly marked by heterogeneity in motivations and the diversity of tourist demand. Therefore, sustainable marketing and strategy management for tourism are crucial in competitive differentiation.
The main aim of the Special Issue is to bring best practices, trends, motivations, challenges, opportunities, recommendations, and case studies for professionals and academics into sustainable marketing and strategy management for tourism.
Moreover, the subject entirely relates to the journal scope, due to the fact the themes cover the major topics and concepts addressed in the journal Sustainability.
For this Special Issue, original research articles and reviews are welcome. Research areas may include (but are not limited to) the following:
Sustainable marketing in destination management
Strategic management in territories and place marketing
Sustainable development of segmentation and niche tourism
Designing sustainable and relational practices in tourism and hospitality
Sustainable innovation in hospitality marketing
Competitive differentiation and sustainability in tourism segments (e.g., food and wine tourism, religious tourism and pilgrimage, virtual tourism, ecotourism, cultural trends, health tourism, pet-friendly tourism, accessible tourism, events, visiting friends and relatives, cross-border regions, and others)
Sustainable consumer behaviour in tourism and hospitality
Brand management, emotions, and attachment theory
Green marketing and corporate social responsibility
We look forward to receiving your contributions.
Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Bruno Barbosa Sousa and Prof. Dr. Vasco Ribeiro Santos
Education challenges in an uncertain world
​Chairs: Amélia Silva (OSEAN, CEOS.PP, Polytechnic of Porto), Maria José Gonçalves, Silva (CEOS, Polytechnic of Porto)
Education is increasingly a collective challenge. Economic globalization, digital transformation, sustainable development goals and pandemic crisis have been the many drivers of education policies in developed countries. However, the uncertainty and complexity of this new reality presents enormous challenges for teachers, students, schools, and organizations. This special track seeks submissions that attempt to address the following key issues (but not limited to) the following themes:
ICT use educational environments
Skills for the future
Impact of COVID-19 in education models
Interdisciplinarity approaches in education
Education for sustainability
Training in organization environment
Scientific Committee:
Cristina Circa, Professor, University of Timisoara, Romania
Fábio Martins, University Centre of Planalto, Brazil
Małgorzata Cygańska University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
Manuel Pérez Cota, University of Vigo, Spain
Robert Kirsch, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
Rui Silva, University of Trás-os-Monte e Alto Douro, Portugal
Valeria Caggiano, University of Roma-3. Italy
Cybersecurity - Threats, Impacts and Solutions in the Tourism Sector
Chair: Sandro Carvalho, LIACC, 2Ai, EST-IPCA
This workshop is dedicated to exploring the topic of cybersecurity and how it can have implications for the Tourism sector.
Due to the significant increase in the number and type of attacks, in the most varied areas of society and covering all countries, security problems are becoming a serious concern, particularly for tourism. In this area, it can affect all the players involved, such as tourist destinations, organizers, as well as the tourists themselves.
This workshop is an opportunity to explore the potential risks, the actions being taken, and to propose innovative solutions to reduce the impact of potential threats.
Food and Wine Tourism / Gastronomia e Vinhos (Chairs: Adriano Costa, CiTUR Guarda/UDI/IPGuarda a.costa@ipg.pt
Cristina Barroco, CiTUR Guarda/CISED/IPViseu cbarroco@estgv.ipv.pt; Carlos Fernandes CETRAD/CiTUR/IPVC cfernandes@estg.ipvc.pt
, Portugal)
The thematic session seeks submissions that attempt to address the following key issues (but not limited to) the following themes:
Wine Tourism
Food and Wine Tourism and Rural Development
Food and Wine Tourism Destinations: Case Studies
The Future of Food and Wine Tourism – Post COVID 19
Gastronomic and Wine Routes
Impacts of Food and Wine Events
The Importance of Local Markets on Food and Wine Tourism
Food and Wine Tourism - The role of human resources in this type of tourism
Travelers Food and Wine Experiences
Mediterranean Diet
Atlantic Diet
Slow Food and Wine Movement
Key challenges facing tourism (Chairs: Paula Odete and Isabel Lopes, Portugal)
It is in the context of the importance of Tourism, being one of the indispensable and most important sectors in the conduct of a country's macroeconomic policies, that a set of initiatives should be discussed for the sector's development. In the present context that we are experiencing, it is imperative to reflect and debate challenges and potential solutions that may be adopted to reinforce the growth trajectory of Tourism, within a framework of sustainability and competitiveness in the regional, national and international panorama. Competitiveness, which is governed by the ability to attract the largest number of visitors, satisfy their needs, develop in a sustainable way without becoming out of balance with the lifestyle of the resident population.
Management & Accounting Systems (Chairs: ldónio Ferreira and Paulino Silva, Portugal)
Management and accounting systems perform a key role in business. These systems provide financial and non-financial information, which is embedded in dashboards and other reporting instruments to enable performance management. They also provide businesses with the information required to facilitate effective resource allocation and take a central position in measuring and evaluating business performance. Finally, they help organizations in meeting legal and regulatory obligations.
Research focusing on management and accounting systems enables not only an understanding of the issues and challenges faced by businesses, but also the consideration of strategies that may be deployed to address these. By investigating issues related to financial reporting, budgeting, decision-making, and performance evaluation, researchers produce evidence and develop knowledge that supports the development of practices geared at overcoming challenges and enhancing business processes and operations.
There are several areas of research focused in management and accounting systems that may be examined. Researchers may endeavour to identify new and enhanced management and accounting systems, methodologies, and practices used by businesses to increase both efficiency and effectiveness. This may consider the accelerated pace of technological transformation that such systems are currently experiencing, ensuring it remains abreast of technological developments and of their ramifications effects on financial management. The regulatory environment governing management and accounting systems and practices is also in a state of evolution; research can help businesses keep up with regulatory changes. Management and accounting systems research can fuel innovation and provide businesses with a competitive advantage. By remaining on the cutting edge of knowledge, organizations are able to identify opportunities to differentiate themselves and develop distinctive approaches to financial management.
The special session Management and Accounting Systems of ICOTSS 23 aims to inspire, in a scientific environment, the reflection and presentation of research work in this area.
Scientific Committee:
Amélia Silva
Rui Robalo
Verónica Ribeiro
COMMUNICATING CITIES (Chairs: Adriana José de Oliveira, Sandra Tuna, Elsa Simões, Portugal)
Throughout the world, tourism has assumed a leading role in the development of different sectors of society both globally and locally. This scenario has forced countries, in general, and cities, in particular, to (re)think the way they communicate. The communication about the city as a tourist destination must express its reality, so as not to defraud the expectations of those who visit it. Communication is now used in a conscious, professional way; in other words, as a tool for promoting the city, both among residents and among tourists, who come from all over the world to get to know a country or a city in particular. Moreover, there has never been such a varied and technologically advanced range of media, tools and information outlets which can make communication truly effective. On the other hand, there have never been so many threats and challenges posed by (mis)information overload, security hazards, and environmental requirements. Thus, a discussion on this issue and related topics has never been so necessary.
We welcome proposals on these issues. Possible topics can include (but are by no means limited to):
City Branding
Communicating cities through advertising
The role of word of mouth and influencers in tourist destinations
The use of technologies in the communication of cities
Verbal and non-verbal communication in the communication of cities
Communication and Sustainability
Urban communication and architecture
Communicating cities in the digital era
Communicating cities and media
Communicating cities and tourism
Contacts for further information:
Adriana Oliveira, aoliveira@iscap.ipp.pt
Sandra Tuna, stuna@ufp.edu.pt
Elsa Simões, esimoes@ufp.edu.pt
TOURISM, TECHNOLOGY AND TALENT RETENTION (Chairs: Adriana José de Oliveira, Anabela Mesquita, Xose Picatoste)
Presentation (short text that we have to introduce the “conference”)
The tourism sector grows annually and brings with it great challenges, whether in the way of communicating, in the way of responding to the challenges imposed by technology, or in terms of retaining talent. In fact, the human component has been one of the biggest challenges that organizations linked to tourism have to face. There is less and less manpower to work and it is also increasingly difficult to retain talent in organizations. Being aware that the tourism sector has an impact on the economic and social context in societies, in general, and in companies, in particular, it is understood that seeking to understand how the triad Tourism, technology and talent retention can work to respond to the challenges of the market is a way forward.
Topics may include (but are in no way limited to):
Tourism and technologies
Tourism and human resources
Tourism and skills
Tourism and economy
Tourism and internationalization
Tourism and social
Tourism and internal communication
Tourism and leadership
Tourism and management
Contacts for further information:
Adriana José de Oliveira – aoliveira@iscap.ipp.pt
Anabela Mesquita - sarmento@iscap.ipp.pt
Xose Picatoste - j.pnovo@udc.es
DIGITAL TOURISM, DIALOGIC COMMUNICATION AND STAKEHOLDERS (Chairs: Adriana José de Oliveira, Ana Pereira, Luísa Augusto, Pedro Espirito Santo)
The digital transformation has introduced new ways of communicating with the various stakeholders in the field of tourism. Through websites and distinct social networks, tourism organisations have been able to communicate in a more direct, cohesive, integrated and constant way; this scenario has also allowed real-time dialogue between organisations and stakeholders to become a more significant reality. Tourists began to choose their tourist destination or hotel establishment with access to a wider range of information. In this context, dialogic communication has taken on a leading role in enabling interaction between organisations and their stakeholders. It is therefore considered necessary to hold a debate on this issue and related topics
We welcome proposals on these issues. Possible topics can include (but are by no means limited to):
Tourism and organisational communication;
Dialogic communication in tourism;
Tourism in the digital age;
Tourism and interactivity;
Intercultural communication in tourism;
Storytelling and Tourism;
Sustainable Tourism and Dialogue with Local Communities;
Immersive Experiences and Tourist Involvement;
Co-creation of Tourist Experiences.
Contacts for further information:
Adriana José de Oliveira – aoliveira@iscap.ipp.pt
Ana Pereira - amrp@iscap.ipp.pt
Luísa Augusto - laugusto@esev.ipv.pt
Pedro Espírito Santo – pedro.m.santo@ipleiria.pt